Loyal 2 Family is our family and a founding family of our Coalition ~DIS~ and we also belong to UFF.  We are a family that helps UFF, DIS and any of our allies.  L2F was started as a chapter of ARM.  As of 03/22/2010 L2F is a family of there own.

I have started L2F for the simple reason to keep friends together in a environment that is drama free.  I have been playing mobsters for over a year now and have seen that having friends and family within this game makes us better players. 

Loyal 2 Family WILL NOT tolerate disrespect in any way, whether from each other or other mobbies playing mobsters.  We WILL NOT tolerate cussing on anyones page and no rude comments. 

We are a tight knit family, weather we stay small or grow big my goal is to make sure that all L2F members feel welcome and enjoy being part of our family and playing.  We are here to help each other out  when needed and to share our knowledge of the game to make sure each and every one of us can better our mobsters. 

I am always open to suggestions and hope that you feel free to ask questions whenever you would like.

I take pride in L2F and expect everyone here to do the same.

Much Respect,

Heather aka Memyself Godmother of L2F {A Division of ARM} & {DIS Founder}


Jim aka Docsterguns Godfather of L2F {A Division of ARM} & {DIS Founder}

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